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Ryota Watanabe


1997 Born in Aichi, Japan 


2019 Advanced Diploma (Bachelor Degree) in Advanced Jewelry Course, Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry


2020 JAPAN JEWELLERY COMPETITION under26 Division Prize

2019 ITAMI International jewelry Exhibition


2020 groupexhibition 10th Anniversary Celebration 

(ATTA gallery/Thailand)

2019 groupexhibition Design Nation Bangkok 

(ATTA gallery/Thailand)

2019 groupexhibition ANYTHING ANYWHERE 

(ATTA gallery/Thailand)

2019 groupexhibition jewelry's Thorn exhibition 

(holl in the wall/Tokyo)


渡邉 良太 


1997 愛知県生まれ


2019 ヒコ・みづのジュエリーカレッジ 




2020日本ジュエリー展 under26部門受賞

2019 伊丹国際クラフト展ジュエリー 入選



2020 グループ展 10th Anniversary Celebration (ATTA gallery/タイ)

2019 グループ展 Design Nation Bangkok (ATTA gallery/タイ)

2019 グループ展 ANYTHING ANYWHERE (ATTA gallery/タイ)

2019 グループ展 ジュエリーのトゲ展 (holl in the wall/東京)

Ryota Watanabe jeweler.jpeg

ーー なぜコンテンポラリージュエリーの世界へ。





ーー 制作について聴かせてください。


ーー インスピレーション源について教えてください。




ーー 作品に対して感じてもらいたいことはありますか。






写真・文 渡邉良太​ 編集 貝原奈積(CJEX/ RESOURCES企画)


​ジュエリー作家 渡邉 良太


Translated Japanese into English/ Editor: Natsumi Kaihara(CJEX/ Planner of RESOURCES)

Published March 2021 

​Jeweler  Ryota Watanabe 

ー What brought you to the world of artistic jewelry?

In my second year at Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry, I learned about contemporary jewelry. At that time, I had a stereotypical idea of jewelry and accessories as necklaces and rings of skulls and feathers with shiny base metal and gemstones or smoked. The freedom and humor of the materials and concept of contemporary jewelry gradually drew me into the world of contemporary jewelry, rather than the fixed concept of jewelry and accessories.

ー Please share details about your creation.

The work is made by folding a sheet of metal mesh. After a certain number of folds, I try to find a comfortable shape one by one by talking to the material about what kind of shape it wants to take. Sometimes I end up forming the piece in an unreasonable way, but most of the time I end up damaging the piece, so I feel it is important to always have a dialogue with the material.

ー About your source of inspiration

What you feel with your five senses. It could be something new that strikes you, the first taste of a new dish, or the shock of music you happen to hear. There is something suspicious that comes to your mind in those exciting moments that are hidden in everyday life. It varies from case to case, but the image that struck me the most was that of "an orderly arrangement of things becoming distorted. It was as if I had seen something that could not happen in reality, like a scene from Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange or Christopher Nolan's Inception. I believe that it is this momentary feeling of something that cannot happen in reality that makes me want to give form to it.

ー What are the messages you want viewers to receive through your work?

Contemporary jewelry has a high degree of freedom, but more than that, I feel that there are many pieces where you can see the face of the creator. Some are gorgeous, some are funny, some make you think.... I would be very happy if you could feel something when you see this exhibition.

March 2021, Tokyo

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